New projects

In the last months researchers of the LABSS have won various national and international research grants. Some of the new projects we are working on are about fostering open science (FOSSR), future AI research (FAIR), reducing, reusing, and rethinking packaging (R3PACK), dynamics of social norms under collective risk (DYNOSOR), the behavioural immune system and social conformity (BISSCo), cooperation and brain-synchrony (COBRA), and security and rights in Cyberspace (SERICs).

FOSSR and FAIR received funding by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), R3PACK is funded through a European Horizon grant, and DYNOSOR, BISSCO, COBRA, and SERICs are funded through the Italian PRIN grant scheme. Click here for more information about these projects. 

In the upcoming weeks and months we will open various calls for postdoc positions related to these projects. Keep an eye out for updates or contact the LABSS researchers working on these projects for more information.

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