Extended Partnership on Artificial Intelligence “Future AI Research” (FAIR), funded by the Ministry of University and Research as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) (2023-2026).
The aim of the project is that of addressing research challenges to achieve human-centred, sustainable, secure, inclusive and reliable Artificial Intelligence. Making sustainable bio-socio-cognitive virtual and physical agents requires rethinking current AI systems, and rests on highly interdisciplinary foundational research domains: (i) cognitive science and neuroscience- informed machine learning; (ii) efficient, robust and informed machine learning, (iii) computational reasoning models and experimental/social psychology identifying human factors and social dynamics for an effective integration of AI within human societies.
In particular, LABSS-ISTC will lead Task 10.8.3 aimed to use AI to facilitate the emergence of social norms promoting cooperation, anticipate when social norms get at risk of becoming too weak and possibly ineffective and propose interventions to promote cooperation in collective action problems.
For any further information, please contact: Giulia Andrighetto giulia.andrighetto@gmail.com