Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research - FOSSR funded by the Ministry of University and Research as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) (2022-2025)
The aim of FOSSR is the creation of an Italian Open Science Cloud for the Social Sciences, which shall provide innovative tools and services to investigate issues related to the economic and societal change of contemporary societies: demographic analysis and the structure of economy (innovative firms and fast growing firms, innovation processes and outcome, new modes of knowledge production) and society (aging, wealth distribution, inequalities, education, migration, etc.), social behaviors, models for social simulation, design, implementation, and assessment of public policies (e.g., R&I policies, health policies). These changes are key topics addressed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Research Infrastructures (RIs) with open resources of high quality FAIR data, information, services, indicators, are key resources to improve the evidence-based decision-making capabilities in different policy domains.
In particular LABSS-ISTC will lead Task 3.3 aimed to set up a Network of Online Labs facilitating data collection on attitudes, social norms, and behaviors and the test of interventions for behavioral change with respect to issues of strong social, environmental and political relevance (e.g., health, environment, misinformation).
For any further information, please contact:
Giulia Andrighetto: giulia.andrighetto@gmail.com
Eva Vriens: eva.vriens@istc.cnr.it