The Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) is seeking a strong and highly motivated candidate for a postdoctoral position (fixed-term appointment of up to a maximum of 2.5 years) with a background in experimental social psychology/sociology/philosophy/economics.
The post-doc will work on the subject of social norms and their dynamics, how social norms affect behavior, how to measure them and what strategies to adopt to foster social change, using available theoretical and experimental tools from philosophy, social psychology, economics, philosophy and sociology. More specifically, she or he will investigate the effects of group identity and reputational concerns at the group level on the enforcement and dynamics of social norms.
We look for scholars with an expertise in one or more of the following topics: social norms, reputation, trust, cooperation, social dilemmas. The successful candidate must have a PhD and she/he will be creative, independent, and with an inclination for interdisciplinary research. She/he will have experience with the design of experiments and the analysis of empirical data.
The post-doc will be expected to produce high-quality research on the project, individually and in close collaboration with the principal investigator and to publish the results of the research in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. The working language is English. The post-doc will work in close collaboration with Dr. Giulia Andrighetto (https://www.istc.cnr.it/en/people/giulia-andrighetto).
The LABSS hosts a highly interdisciplinary research group working at the intersection among cognitive, social and computational sciences. It is situated within the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at the Italian National Research Council, and located in the center of Rome, Italy.
Salary per year: Gross salary amounts to EUR 22.000,00 (twentytwo-thousands/00) per year.
The salary may increase during the second year.
The amount includes Social Security (INPS) that fellowship recipients are required to pay (about 11%).
The net salary amounts to about EUR 19.500,00.
The position will also include additional funding for conducting research and traveling to conferences.
Starting from: The successful applicant is expected to start as soon as possible. The appointment will be initially for 1 year. After satisfactory evaluation of the first year, it can be extended for an additional 18 months.
Application:To apply for this position and for further details, including selection criteria, please click on the link below:
ASSEGNO DI RICERCA 262/2019 – Ideazione, realizzazione e analisi di esperimenti volti a testare l’effetto dell’identità di gruppo e reputazione sulle dinamiche delle norme socialiIn addition, applicants are requested to enclose with their application the following documents in English.
- A motivation letter stating their experience on the topic of social norms, mechanisms to enforce them and/or might favor their change
- One or two research articles (not necessarily published yet)
- Three letters of recommendation
Documents must be merged as a single pdf file and e-mailed to paola.trussardi@istc.cnr.it. E-mails containing the application must have as subject: Notice of selection no. 262/2019.
For further information about the project, please contact:
Scientific info, giulia.andrighetto@istc.cnr.it
Administrative info and Support, paola.trussardi@istc.cnr.it
We look forward to applications from all genders and birth backgrounds, functionalities and life experiences.