Extended Partnership on Artificial Intelligence “Future AI Research” (FAIR), funded by the Ministry of University and Research as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) (2023-2026).
LABSS-ISTC is looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a background in computational social science. The researcher's primary focus will be on studying social norms and their dynamics, how they promote cooperation in hybrid systems including both humans and artificial agents, how to measure social norms, how to use AI to identify social norm violations and what strategies to adopt to promote compliance with them.
Requirements: PhD in computer science, computational social sciences or social science but with a strong computational background (we will also consider candidates who are nearing the end of their PhD). Experience in developing and conducting behavioral experiments (using otree, ztree platforms) and surveys (using Qualtrics, Limesurvey) and other data collection methods; programming skills (preferably R, Python) and knowledge with methods in computational social science; experience with automatic data analysis (text analysis, sentiment analysis) and data parsing; experience with statistical programming languages (stata, R); interest in teamwork, collaboration and inclination for interdisciplinary research; excellent knowledge of the English language.
Position: Researcher - Level III. It is 100% research-focused. Duration: 12 months, extendable to 24 months. Location: Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Catania.
For any further information, please contact: Giulia Andrighetto giulia.andrighetto@gmail.com