We are a highly interdisciplinary research group working at the intersection among cognitive, social and computational sciences. LABSS is based at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and aims to foster an explorative approach to Agent Based Modeling and Simulation.
LABSS joins the Open Labs Initiative
We’re glad to have been included in the list of laboratories hosting junior researchers organized by the European Social Simulation Association.
The purpose of the Open Labs initiative is to “facilitate young researchers to undertake short visits to research groups doing social simulation in Europe.”
WIPS Seminar: Marco Marini & Fabio Paglieri present "Decoy effects in intertemporal and probabilistic choices: three experimental studies. "

Marco Marini & Fabio Paglieri presenting "Decoy effects in intertemporal and probabilistic choices: three experimental studies." at the LABSS Work in Progress Seminar held on May 23rd 2018.
Postdoc Position: Agent-Based Modeller at LABSS
We are seeking candidates for a one-year postdoc position (renewable up to 3 years) for agent-based modelling and simulation of social phenomena.
WIPS Seminar: Aurora De Bortoli Vizioli on "The extended bodily self and the embodiment of possessions"

Aurora De Bortoli Vizioli presenting the aim of her team’s study at the LABSS Work in Progress Seminar held on March 1st 2018.
WIPS seminar: "The extended bodily self and the embodiment of possessions"
New “save the date” for the Work in Progress Seminars (WIPS) series, organized by the LABSS. On March 1st, Aurora De Bortoli Vizioli will be presenting an experimental study on the relation between body-ownership and object-ownership.
Watch "Social simulation: a model to fight the Mafia"
At the Laboratory of Agent-Based Social Simulation we build computer models to help shed light on the complex social world. We applied this approach to develop a simulation of the Sicilian Mafia, and studied ways to fight pizzo collection.
Want to know more? Please check out the results of the GLODERS project or contact Giulia Andrighetto
WIPS seminar: "Collective decisions with kids and robots"
On January 18th will continue the Work in Progress Seminars (WIPS) series, organized by the LABSS. Vito Trianni will be presenting.
Luciano Pietronero @ISTC-CNR
On December 11th Luciano Pietronero of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Physics Department, gave a talk at the ISTC-CNR about Economic Complexity.
WIPS seminar: "Tell me if you eat, I’ll tell you if you cheat"
On December 6th will continue the Work in Progress Seminars (WIPS) series, organized by the LABSS. Eugenia Polizzi di Sorrentino, ISTC-CNR associate, will present her ongoing research on the metabolic alterations on (dis)honesty.
Work in Progress Seminars @LABSS
LABSS is starting today a monthly brown-bag seminar series called “Work in Progress Seminars” (WIPS). These are interdisciplinary seminars for the cognitive and behavioural sciences (including biology) as they pertain to humans. WIPS are meant to be a venue for presenting early to mid stage and experiment-related research.