We are a highly interdisciplinary research group working at the intersection among cognitive, social and computational sciences. LABSS is based at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and aims to foster an explorative approach to Agent Based Modeling and Simulation.
Prof. Rainer Hegselmann on the unexpectedly non-monotonic Bounded Confidence Model

a seminar on "Computer-Aided Speculations in Social Epistemology: A Case Study on the Bounded Confidence Model". Wednesday 5 Feb, at 11:00 in room Piaget; Via S. Martino della Battaglia 44, 00185 Rome (ITALY)
ABM of social behavior
Gianluca Grimalda ... Improve Cooperation to Prevent Collective Losses ...

Gianluca Grimalda presenting his work titled “Sanctions and International Interactions Improve Cooperation to Prevent Collective Losses” The use of sanctions is often invoked to bolster international agreements. For instance, it has been proposed to link lack of compliance to climate change agreements with trade sanctions. We investigate experimentally whether sanctions may improve international cooperation.
American Society of Criminology 2019 Outstanding Article Award

( by Fred Pampel, Giulia Andrighetto and Sven Steinmo)
published in Social Forces has won the 2019 Division of White-Collar and Corporate Crime OutstandingArticle Award competition of the American Society of Criminology.
A project video, offering an overview of the key concepts and motivations of the EU-funded PROTON, as well as of its main outcomes. PROTON is aimed to understand the social, economic, and psychological factors that lead people into organised crime and terrorist groups and to use computational tools for modelling these processes and test interventions aimed to prevent and fight the recruitment process of mafia and terrorist organisations.
This webinar consists of presentations of the Agent-Based Simulations of Organised Crime and Terrorist Recruitment Models (PROTON-S).
Postdoctoral position: social norms and their dynamics (deadline 10 December 2019)

The Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) is seeking a strong and highly motivated candidate for a postdoctoral position (fixed-term appointment of up to a maximum of 2.5 years) with a background in experimental social psychology/sociology/philosophy/economics.
LABSS @ School for Science IN Diplomacy, Gaeta

Building the next generation of diplomats and decision makers: this is the long-term goal of the School for Science IN Diplomacy (School4SID), that is being held from 5 to 7 June 2019 in Gaeta, a small historical town on coastline between Rome and Naples.
Mario Paolucci, LABSS co-leader, is one of the researchers involved in the pool of experts of the school. He will give a talk on June 6th about an Agent-Based Simulation approach to science in diplomacy.
LABSS wins the "14ALL" PRIN 2017
We’re glad to announce that the project:
“One for all, all for one. Reputational mechanisms for aggression, revenge, and forgiveness in intergroup relationships (14ALL)”
is going to be financed in the PRIN 2017 program. We will integrate experimental and ABM research. The PI is Davide Barrera. Flaminio Squazzoni (UniMi) is our partner from BEHAVE lab. And our excellent Giulia Andrighetto coordinates the LABSS unit.
Stay tuned for updates!
Giulia Andrighetto "doing amazing research in computational social science"
We already knew, but we’re happy to be reminded of it!
What? Don’t you know that Giulia has been mentioned in the list of 39 women doing amazing research in computational social science?
Statistical Physics explains cooperation and egoism

When cooperating, human groups can poise near a critical point – similarly to highly organized biological systems, like those of bees or ants – where recent work suggests living systems respond to changing external conditions in an efficient and coordinated manner.
A new statistical physics model demonstrates the crucial role that social norms play in promoting cooperation and its stability. The study has been published in Physical Review E. and appears also as a CNR press release.