We are a highly interdisciplinary research group working at the intersection among cognitive, social and computational sciences. LABSS is based at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and aims to foster an explorative approach to Agent Based Modeling and Simulation.

Postdoc advertisement. How social norms emerge and change in on-line communities. Extended deadline ! 09/12/2021

The Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation (LABSS) at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) is opening a post-doc position for investigating how social norms emerge and change in on-line communities and the extent to which they  affect the debate in the online context, e.g., spreading of misinformation and “fake news”, hate speech, etc. This line of research will contribute to the research agenda of the EU-funded HUMANE-AI NET, a network that brings together top European research centers, universities and key industrial champions interested in developing AI-systems capable of “understanding” humans, adapting to complex real-world environments, and appropriately interacting in complex social settings.

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Norm Change and cooperation under collective risk in a long-term experiment

New paper "Evidence from a long-term experiment that collective risks change social norms and promote cooperation" out in Nature Communications

by Aron Szekely, Francesca Lipari, Alberto Antonioni, Mario Paolucci, Angel Sanchez, Luca Tummolini and Giulia Andrighetto.

see: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-25734-w

see also: https://www.nature.com/articles/d43978-021-00116-4

An Agent-Based Model of Institutional and Media Communication About Disasters

New paper by Daniele Vilone with Francesca Giardini (University of Groeningen) published in JASSS: a theoretical and simulation study on trust and risk perception in the managing of institutional communications about natural disasters, download paper

Evolutionary advantages of turning points in human cooperative behaviour

New paper by Daniele Vilone and Giulia Andrighetto in collaboration with John Realpe-Gomez (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil) published in PlosOne on the role of turning points and (possibly) criticality in fostering human cooperation, download paper

How to stop the recruitment of mafia and terrorists

“Mafias and terrorism can be fought at their roots by studying how recruitment processes take place in our cities. Computational science can help us in this sense ", says Giulia Andrighetto, researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the CNR in Rome

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The change in social norms in the Mafia's territories: the anti-racket movement of Addiopizzo

New paper 'The change in social norms in the Mafia's territories: The anti-racket movement of Addiopizzo' by Giulia Andrighetto and Francesca Lipari just published on the Journal of Institutional Economics

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LABSS is opening soon a 2-year post-doc position

The Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation (LABSS-CNR) is opening soon a 2-year post-doc position investigating the role of social norms in the spread of misinformation about the Covid pandemic in online communities.

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Post-doc fellowship: Theory and experiments on social norms and their dynamics (Deadline July 2nd 2020)

The Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at the Italian Research Council (CNR) is inviting applications for one full-time post-doc research fellowship within the Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation (LABSS) to investigate experimentally the effects of group identity on the enforcement and dynamics of social norms.

Strong and highly motivated candidates with a background in experimental social psychology/sociology/philosophy/economics are invited to apply. The appointment will be for one year (12 months). After satisfactory evaluation, it may be extended for an additional period. The successful applicant is expected to start on October 1st 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter.

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Peer effects on compliance with extortive requests

New paper in PLOSONE by Giulia Andrighetto and Daniela Grieco on peer effects on compliance with extortive requests.

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Guilt Aversion in (New) Games: the Role of Vulnerability

We're glad to announce that Prof. Giuseppe Attanasi (Université Cote d'Azur, Nice) will present a seminar on: Guilt Aversion in (New) Games: the Role of Vulnerability, Thursday, February 13 at 14:30 in Sala Europa, via Palestro 32, (ISTC-CNR).

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