Mario Paolucci

Mario Paolucci, PhD in Telematics and Information Society (2005), has co-directed (from 2016 to 2020) the Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation (LABSS) within the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) at CNR.

Mario has worked as Technology Expert at the National Statistics Institute of Italy from 1996 to 2003, and as Researcher at CNR from 2003.

He is studying and applying multiagent-based social simulation and agent theory to understand social artefacts, in particular Reputation, Norms, Responsibility, and the cultural evolutionary mechanisms that support them. His publications include a book on reputation with Rosaria Conte and articles on JASSS and Adaptive Behavior, the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, the International Journal of Approximated Reasoning.

He has been the coordinator of the CNR workgroup on Artificial Societes and Social Simulation (ICT.P11.014) from 2009 to 2016. Since 2017 he is the coordinator of the CNR project “Cognitive Agents and Social Simulation” (DUS.AD018.003).

He has been the coordinator of the FuturICT 2.0 project.

He has been the scientific coordinator of the eRep Social Knowledge for e-Governance FP6 project, managing four international partners and a budget of 1.7MEuro.

He has organized the first International Conference on Reputation, ICORE’09; the First International Workshop on Agent-Based Social Simulation and Autonomic Systems, (ABSS@Autonomics 2009), held at Autonomics 2009 – the Third International ICST Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems; the EEG 06 workshop on Emergence Evolution and Generation, co-located with ECCS’06 (European Conference in Complex Systems), Oxford

He has chaired the RASTA ’02 and ’03 workshops, the RAS ’04 workshop, and the MABS 2007 workshop. He has been senior program committee member for the AAMAS conference in 2009 and 2010, and he participated in the program committee of more than 25 conferences and workshops, including the MABS series. He is part of the MABS steering committee since 2016.

He has been invited speaker to the WOA 2009 National Workshop “From Objects to Agents” and at the University of Luxembourg in the series of the ILIAS Seminars (2007).

He is member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, An Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association, IGI Global (2009). He is a reviewer for the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS), the International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), the Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organisation Theory (CMOT), the International Journal of Human-Computer studies – IJHC, the Journal of Computer Science and Technology.

He has been teaching a course on Social Simulation at the University of Bologna, Java language at the University Of Perugia and Data Bases at the University of Rome “Sapienza”.


Scientific diffusion (in italian)

Repage project

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